Improving population management for the hospital of tomorrow

Improving population management

for the hospital of tomorrow

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We see improvements in the way new healthcare payment models can work to deliver improved patient care. We recognize the need to not only innovate through technology, but transform the way that care is delivered, focusing on patient outcomes, value for payers, and expansion of access to care for populations.

Moving from volume to value is complex where incentives, processes, technologies and cultures must all align. By applying our clinical expertise, data analytics and telehealth solutions within a unique consulting framework, we can accelerate the transition to population-based care. We partner with our customers to enhance care delivery, from the waiting room to the living room. Together, we can create a healthier tomorrow.

Speaking at a recent US News and World Report “Hospital of Tomorrow” conference in Washington, DC, Philips together with Banner Health explored these ideas in a featured case study panel session, “Care Delivery Transformation for Chronic Condition Management and Better Population Health.”

A U.S. News and World Report reúne os principais líderes de cuidados de saúde do país – especialistas médicos, gerentes de hospitais, decisores políticos, seguradoras, advogados do consumidor e analistas do setor – para enfrentar os problemas mais prementes da atualidade.


Amy Andersen, Vice President and Partner, Population Health, Philips Healthcare

Amy Andersen, Vice-Presidente e Parceira, Population Health, Philips Healthcare

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Brian A. Rosenfeld, MD, FCCM, FCCP, VP & Chief Medical Officer for Philips Hospital to Home

Brian A. Rosenfeld, MD, FCCM, FCCP, VP e Responsável do Departamento Médico da Philips Hospital to Home


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Robert Groves, Vice President Health Management for Banner Health

Robert Groves, Vice-Presidente, Direção de Saúde da Banner Health


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Jane Lucas Health Policy Counsel, Office of U.S. Senator John Thune

Jane Lucas, Conselheiro de Políticas de Saúde, Gabinete do Senador dos EUA John Thune

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