DICOM - WebView Systems

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PACS Systems Connectivity

DICOM Conformance Statements

IntelliSpace Systems

iSite Systems

Xcelera Systems

EasyAccess Systems

  • EasyAccess R11.1 (March 2007)
    This Conformance Statement is applicable for the following products: EasyAccess Enterprise R 11.1 (HPUX), EasyAccess Enterprise R 11.1 (WIN), EasyAccess Entry R 11.1, EasyVision DX/CL/RG/Home R 11.1 and EasyCapture F/M R 11.1
  • EasyAccess R10.2 (December 2005)
    This Conformance Statement is applicable for the following products: EasyAccess Entry R.10.2, EasyAccess Enterprise R.10.2 (HPUX and W2K), EasyVision DX/CL/RG/Home/MM R.10.2, EasyCapture F/M R10.2 and the ViewForum R4.1.3.1 PACS-plugin.
  • EasyAccess R10.1 (October 2005)
    This Conformance Statement is applicable for the following products: EasyAccess Entry R.10.1, EasyAccess Enterprise R.10.1 (HPUX and W2K), EasyVision DX/CL/RG/Home R.10.1, EasyCapture F/M R10.1 and ViewForum R4.1.3.1 PACS-plugin.
  • EasyAccess R9.2 (September 2004)
    This Conformance Statement is applicable for the following products: EasyAcess Entry R.9.2, EasyAccess Enterprise R.9.2 (HPUX and W2K), EasyAccess Modality R.3.1, EasyVision DX/CL/RG/Home/CL.net R.9.2, EasyCapture F/M R.9.2 and EasyVision DX Standalone.

  • EasyAccess Enterprise R8.2 (June 2002)
  • EasyAccess Entry R8.2 (June 2002)
  • EasyAccess Enterprise R7.2 (October 2001)
  • EasyAccess Entry R7.2 (October 2001)
  • EasyAccess R5.1 (June 1999)
  • EasyAccess Lite R5.1 (June 1999)

EasyAccess Modality Systems

EasyCapture Modality Systems


EasyAccess RIS Interface

Media Center systems

Inturis Suite Systems

Inturis Online Systems

Archive Systems

EasyReview Systems

EasyWeb Systems

WebView Systems
For conformance of the WebView systems see the Pegasys Conformance Statement on the NM/ PET section.

EasyVision DX Systems

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