Preferred and interactive room layouts

Perfect for early

site planning discussions

As configurações preferenciais e interativas da sala da Philips foram concebidas para ajudar os arquitetos, os engenheiros e os empreiteiros, bem como o pessoal que trabalha nas instalações, a compreender as implicações básicas da instalação de um sistema de imagiologia da Philips.


Aqui, terá acesso a configurações de sala transferíveis em PDF e, quando disponíveis, em formato DWG e IRL PDF.


Tenha em atenção que, embora sejam extremamente úteis, os ficheiros transferíveis nesta secção não são específicos nem são adequados para concursos.



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Room layouts

Preferred room layouts

Preferred room layouts

Our drawing packages will provide you with a look at:

  • preferred room size
  • equipment placement
  • general sizes, weights and heat load

Downloadable files are available for you in PDF format or DWG(CAD) format.

Interactive room layouts

In certain cases you may not be familiar with the imaging equipment your institution plans to install. Our 3D interactive room layouts (IRL) let you see the equipment as it looks in a standard room layout.
Each IRL includes:

  • interactive room views from multiple perspectives
  • embedded video ‘walk-through’
  • general system requirements

Downloadable files for many Philips imaging systems are available to you in IRL format.

Note: Due to their size, they maytake a couple of minutes to download.

Interactive room layouts

Site planning solutions

Philips site planning community

Geared toward architects, engineers and contractors (AEC), the Site Planning Community is a valuable resource for in-depth site planning information


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